Adult Forum
sunday morning between services 9:15-10:15
Join 18-25 people in Adult Forum, a spiritual hour of fun, laughter, friendship, sharing and caring. There are no membership requirements, and all are welcome. Discover God more fully, connect and know others in the Immanual family.
We open with the "happy bucket", sharing good news while donating money for farm animals to third-world countries. Five minutes of Christian comedy on DVD and a few jokes leads to a handout with the focus topic.
Connecting with each other is the foundation of the Forum. We are not a Bible study and you do not need to have Biblical knowledge to participate. Instead, we use comedy, humor, jokes and handouts which are designed to educate and stimulate discussion. You don't have to dress up or worry about acceptance of who you are as a unique child of God. Coffee and goodies are available.
We would love to have you join us. All are welcome. Please come try us out!
Still have questions? Contact us below.