Nurturing the Inside to Show Christ on the Outside


Nurturing the Inside to Show Christ on the Outside 〰️


Saturday evening Service

5:30 p.m. Traditional Service

Alternating location between Immanuel & St. Paul’s in Dixon.

1st, 3rd & 5th Saturdays at Immanuel - 1013 Franklin Grove Rd., Dixon, IL

2nd & 4th Saturdays at St. Paul Lutheran - 421 Peoria Ave., Dixon, IL

Sunday Morning Service

9:00 A.m. Worship Service

9:00 a.m. Children’s Sunday School



Media 〰️

Upcoming Events


Upcoming Events 〰️

Mark your calendars - we’ve set the christmas worship schedule! In their continued joint ministry, St. Paul Lutheran and Immanuel Lutheran are working together to share services.

*Why 2 services on Christmas Eve? Because we want to give people options, of course! The 4:30pm service at Immanuel is designed to be super family-friendly. Youth will even be invited to participate in several parts of the service! The 11pm service at St. Paul is designed to be a more traditional candlelight service. Together we will await midnight and the birth of the Messiah!

*What is a Longest Night Service? In short, it’s a more contemplative Christmas service with time for prayer, music, and the lighting of candles. For some, the holidays aren’t a joyous time, or can feel overwhelming. Perhaps this is because of loss, grief, change in life circumstances, and more. This service is dedicated to leaving space for those who want to hear the message of hope of Christmas, but may not be comfortable in the noise and activity in a traditional Christmas service. If you are looking for a place to breathe in the midst of the activity of the Christmas season, or are longing for a place that allows and welcomes your mixed emotions towards the holidays, this might be a service for you.

It’s been a couple of weeks since we’ve mailed out the Time & Talent/Giving cards. Unfortunately, we’ve had a very small number of them returned. If you would take a moment to fill out either side (or both sides!) and return it to church, that would be greatly appreciated, especially as we move into the new year and put together volunteer sheets.

If you don’t have your sheet from your letter anymore, or would like a quicker option to fill out your form, we have put together this Google Form. You can click on this link and respond in just a couple of minutes!

Thank you for your support of the ministry at Immanuel! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to let Pr. Anthony or Pr. Riley know.

Exciting News!! After a lengthy search and time of discernment and prayer, Immanuel and St. Paul churches are elated to welcome pastors Riley Reed-Windau and Anthony Windau. They will share in the partnership pastoral ministry of both Immanuel and St. Paul Lutheran Churches in Dixon, IL. Thanks be to God!