What’s New features innovative ideas for how church is done. Today there are many ways to worship God. We are collecting ideas. Let us know what you think by commenting or sending links.


23 Lessons from 12 Thriving movie theater churches

Every weekend churches around the nation are having church in rented movie theaters. The environment makes for a fun, relaxing and inspirational worship.

“Makes for a very comfortable inviting experience and removes the stereotype that God only meets with people in religious-looking structures.” – Mark Nelson, Northridge Church


Lutheran Reconciling Works

ReconcilingWorks’ ongoing mission: to embody, inspire, advocate, and organize for the acceptance and full participation of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities within the Lutheran communion and its ecumenical and global partners, striving to dismantal injustice and oppression.


North point Partners

“North Point has connected us to an entire network of people and churches that have done what we are trying to do or are right in the middle of it. We’ve gained insight, wisdom, and practical ideas about what is and isn’t working in churches around the country. Our new resources and connections have helped us go further than we could have on our own.” SCOTT MARTIN, LEAD PASTOR, First Christian Church
Huntington Beach, CA


30 Outreach ideas to grow your church

Sponsor a classroom or host a talent show. Provide a free lunch or host a block party. Some suggests are under $200, others are over $1,000.