Nurturing the Inside to Show Christ on the Outside
Nurturing the Inside to Show Christ on the Outside 〰️
Saturday evening Service
5:30 p.m. Traditional Service
Alternating location between Immanuel & St. Paul’s in Dixon.
1st, 3rd & 5th Saturdays at Immanuel - 1013 Franklin Grove Rd., Dixon, IL
2nd & 4th Saturdays at St. Paul Lutheran - 421 Peoria Ave., Dixon, IL
Sunday Morning Service
9:00 A.m. Worship Service
9:00 a.m. Children’s Sunday School
Media 〰️
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events 〰️
Lent 3 Midweek Devotional
Join Pastor Anthony and Pastor Riley this Lent as we do a weekly Wednesday devotional. You can click the heading and it will take you to our Facebook Page where you can watch the Lent 3 Midweek Devotional. If you missed last week’s, you can find it on our Facebook Page. You can join in conversation over there, too! Our prayers and devotional are from Illustrated Ministry’s “God is Still With Us.”
Immanuel is collecting contact information! As we switch to a new directory system, we are looking to update all of our members’ information. Please fill out this form if you haven’t yet - we want to stay in touch with you! You can find the form if you click this link:
Holy Week is almost here! In our partnership with St. Paul’s, we are sharing services all throughout the week, so check your calendar to make sure you are in the right place! If you would like more information about each individual service, head over to our ‘Worship at Immanuel’ page.